Mrs. Carole Caine Schefelker Lewandowski, alias-Carole, made these decadent potatoes for us once quite a while ago and I’ll never forgive her for it. I am certain these potatoes were the cause for my jump from sz.7 to sz.9! The other increases in size have come with maturity…

  • 10-12 new potatoes
  • 3/4 cup freshly chopped parsley
  • 3 sticks of butter

Wash the potatoes and peel a 1/2-inch strip of skin from each potatoe. Place the potatoes in “semi-heavily” salted water. Boil until almost tender. Meanwhile, melt the butter and parsley together in a small saucepan. Drain the potatoes well and add the parsley butter. Cover and cook until tender.

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